who am i?

I'm a computer engineer. I do mostly software development. Nowadays I'm calling myself as a "Back-End Developer". Simplicity is always on my mind when I'm coding.

I'm a believer of the free and open source software philosophy. My favorite part of my profession is that it will never became monotonous. Because this profession requires following and teaching new technologies or approaches, and I'm in love with learning new things!

Emacs is my daily driver. Major technologies I use are: PHP, JavaScript, Bash, Ruby, Git and GNU/Linux. Some of my completed software projects are listed in the projects section below. Please check my GitHub or GitLab profile for more.

One of my greatest passions is: Writing. On my blog, you can find my articles on programming, book reviews and many other topics, mostly written in Turkish.


web, academic | source code: github

I worked on Image Processing and Semantic Web for my undergrad thesis. I developed a web interface that provides detailed video search for users. I also conducted user experiments to show the difference between keyword-based search methods and semantic video search. Major technologies I used in this project are: JavaScript, VueJS, Apache Jena Fuseki, RDF & SPARQL.

Hatirnaz, E., Sah, M. & Direkoglu, C. A novel framework and concept-based semantic search Interface for abnormal crowd behaviour analysis in surveillance videos. Multimed Tools Appl 79, 17579–17617 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-08659-2

# mgm-radar

cli | source code: github

A command-line application that downloads and shows meteorological radar images from mgm.gov.tr (Turkey's national meteorology agency). I wrote this tool due to my personal interest in meteorology, I'm using it almost every day. This tool written in Bash and works well on GNU/Linux distros.

# w3c-sql-editor-with-turkish-database

web | source code: github

I cloned W3C's Tryit Editor to provide Turkish language support. I developed this project when I was at my first university. As far as I know, my lecturer still uses this project in its Database Design class. I used SQLite as the relational database in this project.

# anger.co-startup-parser

cli, academic | source code: github

I developed this project for my lecturer from my first university. A Ruby script that takes the marketplaces and locations of all startup companies working in the IoT industry from angel.co and generates a CSV file with that information. This CSV file was then converted into a graph. My lecturer used this graph in his presentation at the International Conference on Information Technology and Science in Japan in 2016.

latest 5 blog posts


e-mail: erenhatirnaz@hotmail.com.tr
gpg key: in plain text; on Ubuntu keyserver


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